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Grasses and More

The second edition of the Field Guide to Grasses of Oregon and Washington is available for pre-order at OSU Press.

click here for info

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Field Guide to the Grasses of Oregon and Washington Prepub Flie.jpg

seeing the details and differences among grasses

After taking my first botany class in 1976, I found myself particularly attracted to graminoids (grasses, sedges, rushes), especially members of the family Poaceae. I'm also a student of Carex, but still very much a student. For more on sedges go here. In Juncus, I have no expertise at all. Are you curious about grasses in the natural world around you? If so, this a place where you can start developing the skills to identify species in this family of plants that is easily overlooked. In other words, here is a cure for "grass blindness."

All content of this website copyrighted by Cindy Roché and Robert Korfhage 2024.

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