About Us
the photographer
Bob's background is wildlife biology and his expertise is photography. Most of the landscape and grass habit and inflorescence photographs on this site are his. He has also edited all of the closeup images taken with our Leica dissecting microscope, with his skills in Adobe Lightroom.

the botanist
I have been working with grasses for over 40 years, starting as a range conservationist with the Forest Service in northeastern Washington. I completed an MS in range ecology at WSU in 1987, and a PhD in Plant Science at the Univ. of Idaho in 1996. After moving to Oregon, I worked as an illustrator for the grass volumes for the Flora of North America, and as a field botany contractor for the BLM and Forest Service at Medford. The Field Guide is the culmination of 16 years of work with the Carex Working Group in photographing, mapping, and developing keys for all Poaceae growing outside cultivation in Oregon and Washington. I am not a taxonomist and have never taken a formal course in Agrostology. But from the time I keyed my first grass in a systematic botany class at WSU in 1976, I've been fascinated by grasses.